Fethi Karaduman
Fethi Karaduman (born June 18, 1979) is a Turkish commercial, fine-art and portrait Photographer based in Istanbul.
Born in Turkey, Karaduman was majorly influenced by the Far Eastern and African cultures due to his education that took place in Singapore and South Africa. After his Bachelor of Architectural Studies in the University of Witwatersrand, Karaduman pursued a dacade long career in the private sector. During those years he also started experimenting on amateur photography.
Karaduman worked with Photographer Mehmet Turgut between the years of 2008-2018 and was the Chief Editor of Photography for Magazine 46. Karaduman’s clientele consists of commercial brands such as Fox Turkey, Dogan Publishing, Hurriyet, Nike Turkey, Faber-Castell and Gillette. He is also known for his portrait work for a staggering number of both local and foreign celebrities, artists and writers.